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WE-UE is committed to stimulate excellence in teaching and research, and enhance the dialogue between academics, policy-makers and European citizens. 

A Classroom Lecture
Students Studying Outside


Did you know that a 2018 CNN survey revealed that young Europeans know just little or nothing about the Holocaust? Our goal is to make of education the main vehicle of strengthening the European memory and identity by actively involving students in discussions and reflections on the European cultural integration and contribute to an informed European remembrance.


Can we define Europe as "community of memory"? Our aim is to discover whether a genuinely shared European memory is possible by launching two research projects: "Collective memory and European Identity: United in Diversity?, and Reconciling an Irreconcilable Past: Law, Memory and Identity in the Western Balkans.


How can we develop a research-led policy making in the area of European cultural integration? Moreover, how can we enforce citizens' identification with EU? Our idea is to bring together academics, policy-makers and European citizens so as to reflect on and discuss the future prospects of memory and identity politics at both the EU level, and national and local levels.

Activities: Attività

Department of Legal Science - University of Udine
Via Treppo 18, 33100 Udine (Italy)

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